Bodhiyoga offer 2024. 300 hour Yoga teacher training
We “re-launch” Bodhiyoga this Spring with a brand new website (a shiney new Wordpress website), a re-format in the modular training and importantly a new price for the training.
We now offer the training at a new price of £1950. The price that we launched at in 2012 with our first training with Nancy, Kate, Suryadharshini and Tina!
Letter to Shabda, Suryavana Retreat Centre, Castellon Province, Spain 14 March 2024
Was great to roll up to the Online European Chairs meeting on Tuesday. I was really aware of how much everyone there is working really hard on their projects and in their lives. Also it was wonderful to be presented to the Chairs at Paris and Berlin. Two amazing cities with two very different Triratna stories unfolding.
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Nuevo Vídeo para Suryavana. 2024. Vídeo donado por Jesu Maraz editado por Mónica de Visually Story
Vídeo donado por Jesu Maraz editado por Mónica de Visually Story
Presentado por Sudaka (Director de Suryavana). Notar que la comunidad Triratna empezaba actividades en España en los años 80 y en Valencia en los 90. Ya más de 35 años en España.
Suryavana. Resume del Director. 2023
Una Comunicación del Director. Reflexiones personales y algo de números 2023. Después de Cuatro años viviendo en Suryavana
Querría agradecer vuestro continuado apoyo del Suryavana.
En septiembre 2021 tome la responsabilidad de ser “Director”, “Presidente” de la asociación, Suryavana. El nuevo “Comunidad Budista Triratna Centro de Retiros Xèrica.”
Suryavana Directors Report 2023
Dear all
I would like to thank you for your continued support of Suryavana.
In September 2021, I took the responsibility of becoming “Director”, “President” of the association, Suryavana. The new “Triratna Buddhist Community, Xèrica Retreat Centre.”