Submitted by Sudaka on Wed, 05/22/2024 - 12:22
Suryavana through the chamomile

Jerica, Spain, 22 May 2024

Hi all. I have skipped a couple months writing in. I am doing ok. We had a quiet month here (May) in Suryavana and soon to begin the busier “summer season” with all sorts of groups; Triratna and otherwise coming through the place. 

Spring has arrived more mildly than anticipated. The Winter has been so dry this year, everything so parched and craving water. Thankfully we had a few days of stormy showers giving some temporary respite. 

I am about to teach a Bodhiyoga retreat with Sadhita then we have an Order weekend, both events I am looking forward too. 

I have taken advantage of the lull this month to do some reading and listening to podcasts which I always take as a sign that life is more spacious. I also wanted to make the most of Kamalashila’s teaching which he is generously offering Online over the next weeks, life permitting. 

Rumbling on in the background is the bell toll of uncertainty and instability, chiming gently. I can hear it more clearly when life goes at a quieter rhythm. Unsettling and perplexing. What am I doing wrong? I find myself asking. No doubt external circumstances are contributing. There has been a sense of mortality (death and destruction on the wider news) regards various Order members and friends and being around my aging parents. My partners work situation has changed too. She wants to focus more on studying a degree in psychology. Sadhita and I have had to refocus and reorganise our collaborative Bodhiyoga teacher training programme too. Life at Suryavana always keeps us moving, as the living space overlaps with retreats and we move over to our nearby village abode. At its best a dance, at its worst an inconvenience. 

All the best, love Sudaka