We “re-launch” Bodhiyoga this Spring with a brand new website (a shiney new Wordpress website), a re-format in the modular training and importantly a new price for the training.
We now offer the training at a new price of £1950. The price that we launched at in 2012 with our first training with Nancy, Kate, Suryadharshini and Tina!
This may seem crazy but we are concerned that money is an issue for people. And it seems even more crazy, as the course is the best it has ever been having been through a process of careful distillation and refinement over the 12 years since its inception.
The new format will be the follows.
- Module 1. Attending the weekly yoga sessions (or doing the recordings) from our “Bodhiyoga weekly” class on Wednesdays 6.00-7.15pm Uk time. £25 per month. For 12 months. (55 hours)
- Module 2. Attending the Six week Online meditation course (or doing the recordings) (9 hours)
- Module 3. Attending the 5 Day Foundation course Online. Here we would incorporate the Satipatthana material we share on the 3 day workshops) (25 hours)
- Module 4 Come to Spain for the 15 days Residencial training (160 hours). All Acommodation and food included.
- Module 5. Do the homework Assignments (minimum 60 hours)
Total 309 hours (for the 300 hour Certification)
Cost £1950