Submitted by Sudaka on Sun, 12/03/2023 - 18:07

Bodhiyoga 2024. This year two retreats in the warmer months. Late May and Early July. The first retreat, the "Call of the Forest" (25 - 31 May 2024) is a showcase of Bodhiyoga best practices and we present yoga through various modalities. Classical Hatha/Vinyasa, Remedial Yoga and Yin Yoga seemlessly exploring meditation and mindfulness throughout the day. 
In the second retreat, "The Enchanted Forest" - is a Yoga Journey through the Five Buddha Mandala, (1 - 7 July 2024) we explore yoga practice though the lenses of the Five Buddhas, emphasising an imaginative and Mythical connection with yoga asana and ritual practice. Both retreats have a strong "being outdoors in the nature" enjoying the beautiful grounds of Suryavana Retreat Centre.
