Bodhiyoga 2022

Submitted by Sudaka on Mon, 10/31/2022 - 11:05

This years, 2022,  wonderful Bodhiyoga group. Many thanks to Diana, Prajñāśrī, B, Liz, Sophia, Sarah and Ruth. Thanks Sadhita and our great cooks David and Carlos. 

Shabda report, 30 October 2022

Submitted by Sudaka on Sun, 10/30/2022 - 07:21

Hi all. I am actually hanging out in the village this weekend missing a much awaited Order weekend, which I would have loved to attend at Suryavana. However I am “frito”, fried, that is to say, tired and I need to do some family time, with pleasure and dog-duty, my new love! (We just got given a sheep dog by our neighbours. The kids have named him “Sonic” (after the movie character). 

Shabda report 15 September 2022

Submitted by Sudaka on Thu, 09/15/2022 - 07:26

Suryavana Retreat Centre, Alta Palancia, Spain 

Greetings. We are back in the Retreat Centre and I am back to the nitty gritty of retreat centre maintenance (the pool pump was leaking air and water) and organising weekends and retreats and so on. This week School finally got going after nearly three months holidays (for the kids) so too the School run! Hallelujah!

Congreso Internacional de Yoga II en Sirio junio 2022

Submitted by Sudaka on Sun, 06/12/2022 - 09:25

Yoga-sudaka-sirioDisfruté ayer mucho impartir una sesión de Meditación Matinal de Mindfulness y una Introducción muy Completa de Yin Yoga explorando las secuencias de Cadera y Columna. Muchísimos gracias a Lenina y su equipo de Sirio organizar este año el Congreso Internacional de Yoga II. El año que viene más! El “Templo”, la sala de Sitio es espectacular! Y las vistas hacia el Este impresionante!