Letter to Shabda - September 2024

Enviado por Sudaka el Miércoles, 25/09/2024 - 14:57

Dear all. Greetings from Suryavana. Now we are dropping into autumn; the light changing, the days cooling down and shortening. We have been blessed with some rain so everything has taken on its last green coat. We have been back nearly a month now and I had a couple weeks tidying the place up and we have run a couple of events already. Suryavana Retreat Centre; “the Inn of 10,000 blossoms!”. 10,000 details! To flood the precious mind of the gracious caretaker and guest master, Sudaka. 

Letter to Shabda, Suryavana, Jérica. Spain 30th July 2024

Enviado por Sudaka el Martes, 30/07/2024 - 15:36

Deep into the heat here. We are having a few really hot days (35+ Celsius) and definitely more challenging having to do all the jobs that make up Suryavana life. Shopping trips. Topping up the water tank. Repairs. Cleaning the pool etc. 

Right now Jesu, my wife, is on retreat which is a big thing. Being “at home” in Suryavana on an Ordination i.e. serious retreat, with some 18/20 women. 10 days of not doing family life. I am really pleased for her. She is helping me out too by keeping an eye on Suryavana.


Enviado por Sudaka el Miércoles, 03/07/2024 - 18:56

Estoy disfrutando e apreciando mucho las meditaciones y sesiones guiadas de Kamalashila estos meses. Es un gran amigo de nuestra comunidad espiritual,  la Orden Budista Triratna. Lleva más de 50 años ordenando Querría compartir esta foto de Kamalashila. Gracias a Viramati (fotógrafo). ¡Que todos los seres sean felices! 
(Foto de Viramati)